Thursday, June 26, 2008

60's poster art

I have been a big fan of R Crumb since he did the cover of "Cheap Trills" oh so many years ago .I borrowed this picture for my avatar but for some reason it never is very clear
For those of you who don't know what "Cheap Trills " is it was the first commercially successful album for Big Brother and the Holding Company .It featured a litle known singer outside of the San Fransisco area named Janis Joplin.
I remember being at a party with a bunch of friends and Jack Baroden brought that album .We played it all night long
Another famous poster artist from the 60's was Alton Kelly .He passed away a few weeks ago .Stanley Mouse is still with us but Rick Griffin is gone too.He is the artist who brought us Murph, from Surfer magazine ,as well as some of the the greatest poster art of that very short era. Many of the pictures I'm posting are nameless because I don't know how to give them credit .I do know that Crunb came up with the idea for keep on trucking .All these guys at one time or another did something for the Grateful Dead ,A band that I have a mild affection
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Syd said...

I still have a Whole Earth Catalog, Let's smoke a joint.

crowldawg said...

I still have all of them and still go back and read them every so often .They were the internet before anyone thought of one .
No thanks Syd .I am finally treating my body as a temple and I'm no longer worshiping Bacchus .You should try it . LOL
Any one have a favorite poster or art work from these guy ? Send it to me and I'll post it if you can't, Crowldawg!

Syd said...

Sounds to me like your temple is paying a lot of back taxes. I on the other hand am a lean mean fighting machine. Drug free, Alchol free and Sex free.I'm just not tax free.

crowldawg said...

The payback is because I burned the candle at both ends for almost forty years. Drank all night long and worked my ass off 12 or more hours a day .Never missed a day or a night.
I don't need a new ass but a new back is on order hopefully after wednesday.All the rest is finally straightened out