Sunday, December 23, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

When a Door Becomes a Window

The stationary widow at the southern HQ's was rotted through and through. The glass was single pane and cracked.

 I got some PVC 1X6 ;3/4 inch quarter round .Then went to a salvage yard and grabbed a side light to a fiberglass front door. I saved all the Cypress I could .Three hour later we were back in business and weather tight

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

3 dueces

I love all things mechanical 


Redfish Flies

I'm planning to do some fishing in Florida over the next three months .I haven't tied in a while These are my first attempt at some new flies

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Book case

With all the hype about e Books I mentioned the other day I liked the real thing .A friend said he hoped people would hire a local tradesman to make a holder for them instead of going to Ikea.
I built this one a few yrs ago.  
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I gave these to a friend who builds small skiffs .Hope he can use them.

Sandy three

Give me a backhoe a logsplitter ,chainsaw and a few days. All the trees were twisted old cherries. I split wood for yrs by hand but now my back won't allow it.
I saved the logs with the hope of making a Roubo Bench like Christopher Schwartz
4x4x32 =4

Monday, November 26, 2012

Monday, November 12, 2012

Winter Headquarters

I'm leaving the Globetrotter in Florida for the winter.

Monday, November 5, 2012


I was one of the lucky ones. Photos from a 24 hr period.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Planting Garlic

This will be my third attempt to grow some good size bulbs. The first two tries were very disappointing. Any hints would be appreciated other than buy them.

Ash plwood

For the Galley and frig.


I refuse to go near the madness called the mecca. People were shoulder to shoulder at the Point. Casting at will.. Crossing lines and jumping in the water after released fish.The fish were so thick that people were fowl hooking and snagging them. I just walked the beaches looking for the occasional splash or diving bird.I saw a seal a few times and some Gannets flew by.

Ausable. Chasm

First time there since 1969.

Friday, September 7, 2012

Striped bass

Caught on the first drift at the Race. All the rest were Blues.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012


For what ever reason it has not been a great year in the garden.We had no winter till April then went immediately into a 90 degree plus drought in June
The first was taken on the 4th of July the second yesterday  the 23rd. I had my first vine ripened tomato for lunch today.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Sunrise at Fish Tails

80 miles out in the Atlantic.looking for tuna ,None showed up.
A few whales gave us a look along with lots of dolphin . All I had was the phone and that was dying.

Monday, July 16, 2012

Should I put on some Miles Davis?

Summer Bounty

I got a late start this year .Had no winter .Winter in spring .Then Summer without water. With the help of irrigation finally starting to look good .Yesterdays dinner. Mesclun  and Broccoli rabe

Friday, July 6, 2012