Wednesday, February 27, 2008

The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #9 - #11 1/2

The Superior Works - Patrick's Blood & Gore: Planes #9 - #11 1/2
Thank you Mr. Leach for the info .
Today I mailed off a check for 2 more Stanley planes to add to my ever growing collection. I had bid on a stanley 10.5 on the bay weeks ago and came in second ( the story of my life,lol).A few weeks ago I got an e-mail from the seller telling me the deal had fallen through. With all that has been happening over the last month I didn't give it much thought .
While cleaning up emails I noticed it again and contacted the guy. Low and behold he had 2 planes for sale .The 10.5 and a 10
We struck a deal and off went the check. Niether one are in perfect condition .I know the 10.5 has been repaired .I'm not sure about the 10 .I assume its complete
When I get home I'll have a look at them. Clean them up, and sharpen.
The seller asked me if I was a collector or user.I'm not sure .I buy them with the idea that I might use them .But when the time comes I find an electric tool to do the job .So I guess I should catergorize myself as a colector ,user ,dreamer
I .look forward to getting my hands on them and cleaning them up and see what they will do

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