Saturday, February 25, 2017

Almost there

Bowl is in P

and P then sink

Friday, February 24, 2017

I'm a dreamer

Ive envied these things since I was a preteen.I guess a lot of boomers have too. The prices are astronomical these days!

Saturday, February 18, 2017

Pitcher plant

Flea market score

Vacation loft gets new floor

The loft in vacation home had 40 yr old burgundy carpet. I went with

a 3/8 engineered pickled oak floor .

New tub surround

70's tile replaced with newer cleaner subway tiles

How to Waterproof a Shower with a Shower Membrane

Pictures to follow of my shower project

Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Petrolicious Jag D-Type

I think is one of the most beautiful cars ever made

Saturday, February 11, 2017

Cabin Porn --- Upstate New York


I have tried very unsuccessfully to establish  bees at home .As I approach 70 carpentry is becoming more and more difficult.I got the idea to go back to bee keeping. Something I had done 30 yrs ago .Many thing s have changed in those 30 yrs for both the bees and myself.I have lost over ten hives in the last 3 yrs.I have been unable to keep a hive alive for more than 18 month.I thought I had killed them with kindness or neglect I wasn't sure after reading this article I realized I wasn't alone.Thank you Honeybee Suite

I have six new packages coming at the end of Apri.l  More to follow

Sunday, February 5, 2017

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Garage Journal   I have found some good information here