Sunday, December 23, 2012

Friday, December 21, 2012

When a Door Becomes a Window

The stationary widow at the southern HQ's was rotted through and through. The glass was single pane and cracked.

 I got some PVC 1X6 ;3/4 inch quarter round .Then went to a salvage yard and grabbed a side light to a fiberglass front door. I saved all the Cypress I could .Three hour later we were back in business and weather tight

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

3 dueces

I love all things mechanical 


Redfish Flies

I'm planning to do some fishing in Florida over the next three months .I haven't tied in a while These are my first attempt at some new flies

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Book case

With all the hype about e Books I mentioned the other day I liked the real thing .A friend said he hoped people would hire a local tradesman to make a holder for them instead of going to Ikea.
I built this one a few yrs ago.  
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Tuesday, December 4, 2012


I gave these to a friend who builds small skiffs .Hope he can use them.

Sandy three

Give me a backhoe a logsplitter ,chainsaw and a few days. All the trees were twisted old cherries. I split wood for yrs by hand but now my back won't allow it.
I saved the logs with the hope of making a Roubo Bench like Christopher Schwartz
4x4x32 =4