A friend emailed today and asked why I'm not blogging .When I returned from the hospital I looked over the blog and I decided that I wouldn't add any thing till I started doing something again .Writing about an injury get old in a hurry.
My rehab is right on schedule .Its just taking me longer than I thought to get back to things .The doctor deep 6ed my annual trip to Maine to go grouse hunting .I guess sitting in a truck post op is hazardous to your health.
I'm getting around with a cane and walking about a mile /day .Bending or kneeling could ruin the whole operation .I go down to my shop every day look at it and the piles of shit growing in there and then walk out .
I moved the Airstream out to the curb because the wild cherry tree it sits under was turning it purple from the bumper crop of cherries .It sits there still waiting for the pipes and wood that will make it self sufficient
We also had a bumper crop of tomatoes ,raspberries ,peaches and pears .Trouble was I was in rehab and my wife was driving 2 hrs a day to watch me sleep.
I started driving last week ."You don't miss your water till your well runs drive" What a pain in the ass it is to be driven around.
I have been going to the beach a couple of times /day .Pete over @fishing jones has video of the blitzes in Montauk .I have not seen a fish break the surface yet .I hear rumour that its happened a few time but I can't vouch for it
All the summer birds have moved on even though a Carolina wren is calling as I type this .It was a splendiferous year for hummingbirds but they left 10 days ago .I did see one for a nano second Mon. after that double hit of Nor'easter /hurricane .Orient sits out in the Atlantic almost a hundred miles we get stuff that mainlanders don't.We had four inches of rain over the weekend
I've been checking every ones blogs .I haven't evaporated into cyberspace. Just haven't had anything to say
Over and out!