Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Observations

This morning as I looked outside It was like the only creatures that read my last post were the birds . I went out side to asses yet another torrential nocturnal down pour, the woods were full of birds .It was like they came on schedule. The swallows are still flying all over the place. Now I have a few nuthatches in the trees. Going up and down the trunk scouring the bark for small insects .
The wild cherry trees ,which make up most of the canopy are full of those little cherries they make.There were cedar waxwing,catbirds and tons of grackles gorging themselves on the fruit.
The rest of the yard seemed fine .It looked a whole lot better than last Thursday when the garage and car took direct hits from lightning .Half the GFI's in the shop were fried and there is something wrong with the car that they are still trying to diagnose.


Frank Yensan said...

sorry to hear about the car, almost as sorry as I am, for only checking your blog everyday.... I am somebody and I read it.

crowldawg said...

Thanks Frank for checking in .You know I appreciate it