Wednesday, May 21, 2008


Today I finally felt well enough to do some work on the globetrotter .So after the big festivities this morning I installed one of the two roof vents that I bought in Florida this past winter .The most time consuming task was to get the aluminium clean enough before I dropped in the new fan .One of the P/O's had attempted to polish the coach and really didn't get to far.
I can say without hesitation that NOBODY climbed up and tried to polish the roof .There was 42 yrs of oxidation and crude up there .I still have another fantastic to put in and hopefully in the next couple of days I'll have a few extra hands to puting the new A/C/ heat pump. The last photo shows the original air conditioner .It still works but needs a charge of freon .Freon is next to impossible to get for the DIYer and it cost a small fortune when one is lucky enough to find some .
I won't pretend that the new air conditioner is GREEN but at least it will tread a little lighter when I get to use it

1 comment:

crowldawg said...

i looked in a catalog today that sells vintage trailer parts .low and behold they have a aluminium colered unit with a gray lid
i think I like the light coming into the coach with my smoked black lexan .i really don't have a choice now do I .lol